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For Project 3, I intend to talk about the community I used for Project 2: 4chan. The three genres I am considering are an ad, a PowerPoint, and thank you letter. The ad will be something that I will post online, and will inform people about what 4chan is and why they should check it out. I feel like it would not make sense to post it in the outside world since no one on 4chan leaves the indoors. I will make a PowerPoint that displays some of the famous internet content that has emerged from the site. I want to make a sort of highlight reel of memes that people may recognized that came from the creative minds on the website. I won't be including all of them since there are far too many and a lot of them are too offensive to show people anyway. Finally, I will write and post a thank you message on 4chan directed at everyone on the site. I will make this letter as genuine as possible, which means everyone on 4chan will make fun of me once I post it. Looking forward to that.

Genre 1: Ad

Genre 2: Presentaion

Genre 3: Thank You Message

Dear 4chan,


You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. For the past few weeks I have been scrolling through the site for hours and hours just to find out what kind of community you are for an assignment. I traversed the beautiful landscape of /pol/, shed some tears while looking at the cancer on /b/, and reminisced about the happy times with my comrades on /v/. You are, without a doubt, one of the most interesting communities I could have picked for my project. I will always look back fondly on all the insults you hurled my way, and I will cherish the many times you assumed I was black and/or Jewish till the day I die. I know you are not a community for everyone, but I wouldn’t have you any other way. The tales of your exploits still surge through my soul and I can’t wait to see what you all do next. I doubt any of you will take this message seriously, but to the few of you who do, thank you. Thank you for making my day on several days. Thank you for being you.


tl;dr I used you for academic purposes and you couldn’t stop me.


Best regards,

Some Random Guy on the Internet

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